The GPenSIM code for the examples given in the Article:

“Performance Evaluation of Discrete-event Systems with GPenSIM”

Reggie Davidrajuh1,*, Bozena Skolud 2 and Damian Krenczyk3

1  University of Stavanger, Faculty of Science and Technology, Norway;

2  Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gliwice, Poland;

3  Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gliwice, Poland;


*  Correspondence:



Example-1: The Event Graph




%%%%  MSF: the main simulation file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

clear all; clc;

global global_info

global_info.STOP_AT = 100; % stop simulation after 100 TU

pns = pnstruct('fms_pdf'); % declare the PDF

% declare the firing times of the transitons

dyn.ft = {'tC1',10,'tC2',10, 'tM1',5,'tM2',10,'tAS',7,...

          'tPS',8, 'tPCK',3, 'allothers',2};

% declare the initial markings

dyn.m0 = {'pC1',1,'pC2',1, 'pR1',1,'pR2',1,'pR3',1,'pR4',1, ...


% combine static and dynamic parts to form the Petri net

pni = initialdynamics(pns, dyn);

mincyctime(pni, 0.07); % find the minimum cycle of event graph




function [png] = fms_pdf()

png.PN_name = 'Event Graph model of FMS';

%%%%%%% set of places

png.set_of_Ps = {'pC1','pC2', 'pR1','pR2','pR3','pR4', ...





%%%%%%% set of transitions            

png.set_of_Ts = {'tC1','tC2','tM1','tM2','tM1AS','tM2AS',...

    'tAS','tAP','tPS', 'tC1M1','tC2M2','tPCK'};


%%%%%%% set of arcs            

png.set_of_As = {...

     'pC1','tC1',1, 'tC1','poC1',1, ...     % tC1

     'pR1','tC1M1',1, 'poC1','tC1M1',1,...  % tC1M1 inputs

     'tC1M1','piM1',1, 'tC1M1','pC1',1, ... % tC1M1 outputs

     'piM1','tM1',1, 'tM1','poM1',1, ...    % tM1

     'poM1','tM1AS',1, 'po1AS','tM1AS',1, ...      % tM1AS inputs

     'tM1AS','pi1AS',1, 'tM1AS','pR1',1,...         % tM1AS output


     'pC2','tC2',1, 'tC2','poC2',1, ...     % tC2

     'pR2','tC2M2',1, 'poC2','tC2M2',1,...  % tC2M2

     'tC2M2','piM2',1, 'tC2M2','pC2',1,...  % tC2M2

     'piM2','tM2',1, 'tM2','poM2',1, ...    % tM2    

     'poM2','tM2AS',1, 'po2AS','tM2AS',1, ...   % tM2AS inputs

     'tM2AS','pi2AS',1, ...    % tM2AS output


     'pi1AS','tAS',1, 'pi2AS','tAS',1,'pR3','tAS',1,...   % tAS inputs

     'tAS','po1AS',1, 'tAS','po2AS',1, ...      % tAS outputs

     'tAS','poAS',1, 'tAS','pR2',1, ...         % tAS outputs   

     'poAS','tAP',1, 'tAP','piPS',1, ...        % tAP

     'piPS','tPS',1, 'pR4','tPS',1, ...         % tPS inputs

     'tPS','pR4',1, 'tPS','piCK',1, ...     % tPS outputs

     'piCK','tPCK',1, 'tPCK','pR3',1};      % tPCK





Example-1: The AOPN model



% PDF: 'fms_AOPN_pdf.m'

function [png] = fms_AOPN_pdf()

png.PN_name  = 'AOPN model of a FMS';

png.set_of_Ps = {'pIB1','pIB2', 'pOB',...  %input & output buffers

   'poC1','poC2','piM1','piM2','poM1', 'poM2', ...%intermediate buffers

   'pi1AS','pi2AS','poAS', 'piPS','piCK'}; %intermediate buffers

png.set_of_Ts = {'tC1','tC2', 'tC1M1','tC2M2', 'tM1','tM2',...

    'tM1AS','tM2AS','tAS', 'tAP', 'tPS', 'tPCK'};

png.set_of_As = {'pIB1','tC1',1, 'tC1','poC1',1, ...   % tC1 connections

    'poC1','tC1M1',1, 'tC1M1','piM1',1, ... % tC1M1 connections

    'piM1','tM1',1, 'tM1','poM1',1,...      % tM1 connections

    'poM1','tM1AS',1, 'tM1AS','pi1AS',1,...  % tM1AS connections

    'pIB2','tC2',1, 'tC2','poC2',1, ...     % tC2 connections

    'poC2','tC2M2',1, 'tC2M2','piM2',1,...  % tC2M2 connections

    'piM2','tM2',1, 'tM2','poM2',1,...      % tM2 connections

    'poM2','tM2AS',1, 'tM2AS','pi2AS',1,...  % tM2AS connections

    'pi1AS','tAS',1,'pi2AS','tAS',1, 'tAS','poAS',1,... % tAS connections

    'poAS','tAP',1, 'tAP','piPS',1,...      % tAP connections

    'piPS','tPS',1, 'tPS','piCK',1, ...     % tPS connections

    'piCK','tPCK',1, 'tPCK','pOB',1};       % tPCK connections



% MSF: 'fms_AOPN.m'

% AOPN model of a Flexible Manufacturing System

global global_info

global_info.STOP_AT = 300;


pns = pnstruct('fms_AOPN_pdf');  % the PDF file

dp.m0 = {'pIB1',3,'pIB2',3};    % initial markings on the places

dp.ft = {'tC1',10,'tC2',10,'tM1',5,'tM2',10,... % firing times

      'tAS',7,'tPS',8, 'tPCK',3, 'allothers',2}; % firing times = {'C1',1,inf,'C2',1,inf, 'M1',1,inf,'M2',1,inf, ... % resources

         'R1',1,inf,'R2',1,inf,'R3',1,inf,'R4',1,inf};  % resources

pni = initialdynamics(pns, dp); % initial run-time PetriNet

sim = gpensim(pni);  % simulation iterations

prnschedule(sim);     % print the simulation results




function [fire, transition] = COMMON_PRE(transition)


    case 'tC1', granted = requestSR({'C1',1});

    case 'tC1M1', granted = requestSR({'R1',1});

    case 'tM1', granted = requestSR({'M1',1});

    case 'tC2', granted = requestSR({'C2',1});

    case 'tC2M2', granted = requestSR({'R2',1});

    case 'tM2', granted = requestSR({'M2',1});

    case 'tAS', granted = requestSR({'R3',1});

    case 'tPS', granted = requestSR({'R4',1});               

    case {'tM1AS','tM2AS', 'tAP','tPCK'}, granted = 1; % request nothing       

end % switch

fire = granted; % fire if the required resource is granted



function [] = COMMON_POST(transition)


    case 'tC1'  % do nothing

    case 'tC1M1', release('tC1'); % release resource acquired by tC1

    case 'tM1', release(); % release resource acquired by tM1

    case 'tM1AS', release('tC1M1'); % release resource acquired by tC1M1

    case 'tC2'  % do nothing

    case 'tC2M2', release('tC2'); % release resource acquired by tC2

    case 'tM2', release(); % release resource acquired by tM2

    case 'tM2AS'% do nothing

    case 'tAS', release('tC2M2');

    case 'tAP'  % do nothing

    case 'tPS', release(); % 'R4'               

    case 'tPCK', release('tAS');

end % switch

n = ntokens('pOB'); % get the number of tokens in pOB

if eq(n,3), global_info.STOP_SIMULATION = 1; end  % stop if n==3